Are you facing charges of grand theft

Grand theft is the acquisition of another person’s property or possessions through illegal means and without their consent. In order for a theft to be classified as grand theft, the stolen property must be valued at $400 or more, and there must have been a specific intent to deprive the owner of the property. Under California Penal Code § 487, charges of grand theft can be filed as either a misdemeanor or felony, depending on your previous criminal record and on the circumstances surrounding the case. If convicted of felony grand theft, you would be facing between 16 months to 3 years in prison, monetary fines, and other penalties. Even a misdemeanor charge can carry up to a year in jail, probation, and court-ordered counseling.

Grand theft is often accomplished in connection with other crimes such as:

  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Forgery
  • Embezzlement

If you have been arrested or charged with grand theft, you need a knowledgeable lawyer from our firm who can aggressively fight to defend you and your rights. Our attorneys can rapidly evaluate your case, analyze the facts and evidence, advise you of your legal options, and work to build an effective criminal defense strategy. Criminal defense is our expertise, and the success of our firm is no secret. We played a role in the OJ Simpson robbery case, obtaining immunity for our client. We represented Rodney King’s attorney, Steven Lerman, when he was arrested for public intoxication and disorderly conduct and got all charges against him dismissed.

Tried & True Criminal Defense

Criminal lawyers at Okabe & Haushalter are committed to providing our clients with excellent service and aggressive representation. Attorneys at our firm pride themselves in having the qualities you want in a criminal defense lawyer and firm. We have been recognized by Super Lawyers® Magazine, listed in both the Super Lawyers® and Rising Stars℠ list. We understand the ramifications a grand theft charge and conviction can have on a person’s life, family, and livelihood. We also know that choosing the right lawyer will have a direct impact on the outcome of your case. Our lawyers are experienced with all aspects of criminal law; as former prosecutors, we have a unique insight into criminal investigations and the criminal court process.

For the qualified legal defense you need and deserve, contact our firm today!

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